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Dual Degree with Duke University

Dual Degree with Duke University

Through a new dual-degree partnership with Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, Washington College environmental science and environmental studies majors can now earn their bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years.

Qualified students can leave Washington College after three years, enrolling in the Nicholas School’s two-year master’s programs in either forestry (MF)  or environmental management (MEM). 



WAC Requirements

  • Complete college-wide requirements at WAC in three years with the exception of the SCE;
  • Complete major requirements for a B.A. in environmental studies or a B.S. in environmental science in three years, with the exception of the SCE and senior seminar courses;
  • Complete a minimum of 97 credit hours.

Duke Requirements

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of a B (3.00) or better;
  • Receive a grade of a B (3.00) or better in all undergraduate courses required for admission to the Nicholas School’s MEM and MF programs;
  • Complete both MAT 201 and MAT 109 in addition to any program specific requirements: Duke Nicholas School of the Environment
  • Successful admission to Duke’s Nicholas School.


  • Undergraduate degree awarded after successful completion of at least eight three-credit graduate courses at Duke University with a grade of C- or better, provided student remains in good standing and has intentions to complete the MEM or MF degree program.
  • MEM or MF degree awarded after the successful completion of the second and final year at Duke University.


Hometown: Harleysville, PA

Most Exciting Part of your WAC Experience: "Conducting my own research funded through the Cater Society of Junior Fellows. My research is analyzing the effects of distance from a Turnpike Interchange on soil contamination from vehicle non-exhaust emissions."

Advice for Students Who are Considering the Duke 3:2 program: "Start planning early! It was very helpful for me to start planning out the courses I needed to take for WAC requirements and Duke prerequisites as a freshman, than it would have been if I decided this later. You can always change your mind later on but this way you will already be ahead of the game!"

Plans for your coursework track/area of emphasis at Duke: "Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health"

Plans this summer: "I will be interning at Gannett Fleming this summer with the Environmental Team at their Valley Forge location."

Plans after graduating from Duke: "As of right now, I am not entirely sure what I plan to do after Duke but I hope to either have an environmental management position to apply the skills I will have learned in the Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health program or possibly pursue a PhD."

Favorite Course Taken at WAC: "Environmental Chemistry"

Fun Fact About Yourself: "I am a captain of the Trap and Skeet Team!"