Michael Kerchner

  • Associate Professor of Psychology

Portrait photo of Michael Kerchner


B.S., American International College, 1978
M.S., Lehigh University, 1982
Ph.D., Lehigh University, 1988


My research interests are related to hormonal regulation of behaviors - e.g., how endocrine factors may contribute to sex/gender differences in behavior, cognition, psychopathology, neurological illness and response to therapeutic medications, commonly abuse drugs and neurotoxins. My research primarily employs animal models and I’ve recently embarked on projects utilizing neuronal cell cultures.    ResearchGate Profile


PSY111 - General Psychology
PSY205 - Drugs and Behavior
PSY210 - Biopsychology
PSY305 - Psychopharmacology
PSY313 - Learning & Applied Behavior Analysis
PSY319 - Comparative Psychology
PSY410 - Neuroscience Research Methods
FYS - Neuroethics and Society

Current Projects

  • Assessment of the Efficacy of Various Neuroprotectants in Rodent and Zebrafish Models of Neurotrauma
  • Strategies to Assess and Reduce Organophosphate Neurotoxicity in N2A Cell Cultures
  • Hormonal Influences on Spatial Abilities of Male and Female Undergraduates
  • Influences of Late Prenatal Ethanol Exposure - Rodent Models
  • Stress Effects on Salivary Cortisol Measures - Acute and Sustained Influences 

Blog WCNeurspot (link) 

  • A Behavioral Neuroscience Blog containing not-so-random snippets of information of interest to me and my students at Washington College.

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