Susan Vowels

  • Constance F. & Carl W. Ferris Associate Professor; Department of Business Management

Susan Vowels Headshot

Education and Certifications 

B.A., St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974

M.B.A., University of Delaware, 2001

D.B.A., Wilmington University, 2018

Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP), Association for Supply Chain Management (formerly APICS)

Certified for ERPsim, Level 1 (SAP S/4HANA version)

Research Spotlight
Book Cover
Teaching Data Analytics: Pedagogy and Program Design, by Susan Vowels and Katherine Goldberg

On July 4th, 2019, Teaching Data Analytics: Pedagogy and Program Design was published by CRC Press.  My colleague Katherine Leaming Goldberg and I co-edited this text which is designed for use by faculty and administrators interested in adding data analytics curriculum, whether it be by adding new content to existing courses, adding new courses to existing programs, or developing new programs.  Contributors to this text include both practitioners and academics.  This book is part of the Data Analytics Application Series, Jay Liebowitz, Series Editor.  More information at


I am interested in the way information systems, particularly emerging technologies, impact firm performance.  As an example, Radio Frequency Identification, sometimes known as electronic bar codes, has been shown to impact day-to-day logistics in a variety of ways; I’ve identified a potential application of the technology in a way that could dramatically reduce the cash-to-cash cycles of retailers. Ultimately, information systems are nestled in business processes, and thinking in enterprise terms offers insights into its value. I am also interested in the ethical practice of business through management information systems as well as social responsibility as practiced by for profit, not-for-profit, and other organizations.


Washington College is a member of the SAP University Alliances.  Concepts covered in Management Information Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, and Data Analytics are heavily supported by the use of SAP software.  Data Analytics also makes use of Tableau’s data visualization software, provided through the Tableau for Teaching program.

BUS 210 Management Information Systems

BUS 315 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Previous courses taught:

BUs 316 Business Analytics

GRW 101-40 Social Responsibility: A Global Perspective

BUS 203/204 Quantitative Methods I & II

BUS 394 Business Intelligence (Special Topic)

GRW101-40 Good Works: Global Agents for Social Responsibility

CNW 102-69 Life Changers: Disruptive Technology and the Human Condition

CNW 102-54 Business in America

Thoughts on Management Information Systems

Aristotle teaches us that our humanity is defined by our participation in society. Of the myriad of social structures in which human beings participate, one that is quite remarkable is the business enterprise. Businesses, like other social structures, are based on the communication of various types of information. The study of Management Information Systems (MIS) examines information creation, transformation, and dispersion within the context of modern commerce and through the use of Information Technology. In studying Management Information Systems, we are able to touch every facet of business management, from strategy to tactics, from payroll to manufacturing, from customer service to business intelligence. Examining businesses through the lens of MIS provides valuable insights into business challenges as well as practical solutions.