Thank You

10/10/2022Mike Sosulski
President Sosulski greets guests after the inauguration ceremony

From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my appreciation for an unforgettable inauguration weekend.

The past few days have been marked by enthusiastic idea-sharing, energy and optimism for our very bright future, and a sense of fellowship and community that fills me with gratitude and joy. 

Being entrusted with the leadership of this exceptional institution is a great honor and privilege, that I do not take for granted. As this historic College’s 31st president, I am committed to approaching each day with equal measures of enthusiasm, innovation, and care, always mindful that I am representing the interests of a community of talented, thoughtful, and ambitious students, faculty, staff and alumni. Big ideas and dreams are realized on our campus everyday—ideas that move the world. Alongside learning, Washington College is a place that exemplifies the values of leadership and moral courage. At Washington, we are ever seeking truth and that fills me with immeasurable hope and pride. 

Thank you for celebrating this moment with me, and for welcoming me so warmly into the Washington College community. The outpouring of support that I have received is overwhelming, and the authentic desire to strengthen the Washington College experience and work toward our successful future together affirmed for me what I already knew—this special place is my home. 

I can’t wait to see what we accomplish next. 

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