minor, major    
  • Humanities & Fine Arts

Hispanic Studies

Program Features

As a Hispanic Studies major, you will study courses in language, literature, and culture, and complete a Senior Capstone Experience. We also recommend you spend a semester or year abroad. Your choices for overseas study include our study abroad partners Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija in Spain, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

We encourage you to immerse yourself in all things Spanish by having daily conversations with a foreign language assistant and by participating in lectures, readings, and other cultural activities sponsored by the department, the campus Spanish Club, and the national Hispanic honorary society, Sigma Delta Pi. And, once a year, the College holds a Día de Fútbol. All local children are invited to come with their families and friends to play soccer, read books, talk in English and Spanish, and get to know students and professors at WAC.


Nicole Grewling Headshot


Nicole Grewling

Associate Professor of German; Chair, World Languages & Cultures; Director, Humanities Program; Director, European Studies Minor

Native Language Assistants

This video highlights some of the department’s Spanish language assistants from previous years.