Academic Requirements

Major Requirements

A total of eight courses at the 300- or 400-level (and HPS 202, if beginning at/below this level) are required for the major. Students are strongly encouraged, however, to continue to take courses in the language throughout the period up to graduation. Students may also count ILC (International Literature & Culture) courses that deal with Hispanic culture in English, if they do all written work in Spanish and as much reading and research in that language as possible. All majors are strongly encouraged to complete a semester (or a year) of overseas study in a Spanish-speaking country. A summer program of appropriate length and content may be substituted.

The courses chosen for the HPS major if the student studies abroad must include:


  • HPS 301 or 302 (or an equivalent taken abroad)
  • HPS 303, 304, or 305, to be taken on the Washington College campus.
  • HPS 375
  • At least two courses at the 400 level, one of which must be taken during the senior year on campus.
  • Students may count up to one course taught in English under the International Literature and Culture heading toward their major if their written work is done in Spanish
  • For those students beginning HPS at either the 100 or 200 level, any HPS 200 level course at or above 202 may count toward the major.

The courses chosen for the HPS major if the student is unable to study abroad must include:

  • HPS 301 and 302
  • Two courses from this list: HPS 303, HPS 304, HPS 305.
  • Two 400 level courses, one taken during the senior year.
  • Students may count up to two courses taught in English under the International Literature and Culture heading toward their major if their written work is done in Spanish
  • For those students beginning HPS at either the 100 or 200 level, any HPS 200 level course at or above 202 may count toward the major.


Senior Capstone Experience

All majors must complete a project during their senior year. Students have two options to fulfill this requirement. Those students with a GPA in the major of at least 3.4 or with permission of the departmental faculty may choose to do a thesis on a literary or cultural topic. Students may also write an extented version of a paper they have turned in for a previous HPS class. Performances or exhibits with appropriate written documentation, as well as pedagogical or computer-related projects may also be considered in consultation with the faculty. 

Minor Requirements

Students who begin a language with 101, 102, or 201 must take a total of six classes in order to obtain the minor. Students who begin with 202 or above must take a total of five classes, at least one of which must be at the 400 level.