Alumni Travel Program

    Winter 2024 Cuba Trip

    January 13-21, 2024

    Washington College alumni, family, and friends have the opportunity to participate in an immersive Cuban culture experience. Join us for an opportunity of a lifetime!

    Learn more

    Register to reserve your spot by December 10

    Spring 2024 Spain Trip

    May 21-June 2, 2024

    Spain bannerThe Department of Business Management is resuming our BUS 330 Global Business Experience course. Many of you have fond memories of going on that trip back in the day with Prof. Scout or Prof. Harvey. We haven’t run the program since Covid.

    We’re going to Spain — in particular, Barcelona and Mallorca. We’re going to study the business of tourism — but we’ll also have time for fun, exploration, and the vibrant nightlife and beaches of these two great cities. The program starts on May 22, and ends on June 2 (but you’re welcome to get there early or stay later, of course).

    To help celebrate the resumption of this great course, we’re opening up a limited number of spots to alumni. The cost per alumni is not fully finalized, because it depends on overall enrollment, but we expect the cost to be about $5800, including airfare and based on double-occupancy. That does not cover all meals, so depending on your dining preferences, it would be prudent to budget at least another $500 for meals.

    If you're interested in joining the trip or have questions, please contact Michael Harvey.

    There's a lot of interest in this trip! Sign up below to be added to our list of tentative reservations. We'll follow up as soon as possible to confirm your seat.


    Read the trip brochure