Description of Sanctions for Honor Code Violations
The Honor Board or other hearing body may levy fines.
Summary of Campus Fines
The Honor Board, a hearing body, or an appropriate campus official may assign fines. Issuance of a fine by a campus official does not replace or preclude disciplinary action by the Honor Board or other hearing body.
Violation | Fine Amount |
Alcohol Violation | $50 |
Second Alcohol Violation |
$100 |
Drug Violation | $50 |
Second Drug Violation |
$100 |
Noise Violation | $40 |
Disruptive Behavior | $40 |
False Fire Alarm | $100 |
Discharging Fire Extinguisher | $100 |
Failure to Obey a Fire Alarm | $50 |
Possession of a Multi-Quart Container (alcohol) | $100 |
Possession of a Fake ID | $100 |
Propping Entrance Doors | $100 |
Animal Policy Violation | $50 |
Littering | $50 |
Smoking Policy Violation | $50 |
Public Urination | $50 |
Vandalism | $100 (plus repair costs) |
Failure to Comply with College Officials | |
First Offense |
$50 |
Second Offense |
$100 |
Failure to Complete Everfi Course work | $50 per section |
Official College Warning: This is a formal notice given to a student whose conduct is below standards of good behavior. This warning normally remains in effect for the duration of the semester in which it is given. If another violation occurs during this time period, it may result in a conduct review and the possibility of more serious sanctions.
Community Service Hours: Students may be assigned a specific number of supervised hours of work, either on or off campus, for violation of College policies. The Honor Board or other hearing body can assign community service hours.
Written Reflections: Students may be assigned to produce a written letter, reflection, paper, or other work that demonstrates an understanding of their violation and its impact on members of the community. The Honor Board or other hearing body can assign written reflections.
Educational or Other Sanctions: Students may be assigned a sanction tailored to the incident(s) in question that promotes further thought and development on the part of the student. Educational sanctions provide a student the opportunity to review the Washington College conduct expectations, understand how behavior can contribute to a positive and beneficial College experience, and learn of campus resources which support academic and non-academic success. Examples of educational sanctions include writing a research or reflective paper, attending a seminar, or meeting with members of various College offices.
Probation: Students may be subject to probation; the panel that hears the case will determine the terms of the probation. If a student placed on probation is subsequently found responsible for violating any College regulation, (s)he may be subject to immediate suspension or expulsion from the College. Students may be placed on probation by action of the Honor Board or other hearing body.
Probation may include (but is not limited to):
- Prohibition from attending campus social events (e.g., dances, parties)
- Prohibition from joining a fraternity or sorority
- Prohibition from going to the Student Engagement Suite in Hodson (including the Game Room - Goosenest)
- Prohibition from participating in intramurals
- Revocation of Dining Hall privileges
- Removal from campus job or reassignment
- Removal from campus leadership positions
- Removal from SGA office, membership in the Senate, or other SGA appointed positions
- Removal from campus committees
- Another violation occurring while the student is on probation may result in a more serious sanction
Deferred Suspension from the Residence Halls: Deferred suspension from College housing is a period of review during which the student must demonstrate the ability to comply with College rules, regulations, and all other stipulated requirements. If, during the period of deferred suspension, the student is again found responsible for violating any College policy, the student may be suspended immediately from the residence hall.
Dismissal from/Ban from Residence Halls: This measure is employed in serious cases or patterns of behavior that indicate a student is not able to function as a positive member in or visitor to the residential community. Students dismissed from the residence halls do not receive any refund.
Deferred Suspension from the College: Deferred suspension from the College is a period of review during which the student must demonstrate an ability to comply with College rules, regulations, and all other stipulated requirements. If, during the period of the deferred suspension, the student is again found responsible for violating any College policy or regulation, the student may be immediately suspended from Washington College.
Interim Measures: By decision of the President of the College, the Vice President for Student Affairs, or a designee of either, a student who is accused of a serious conduct incident may be removed from the campus or subjected to other forms of restrictions, without prejudice, pending a formal conduct review in order to avoid conflict within the community and/or to protect the safety of members of the College community. Students accused of acts or threats of violence, sexual assault, the possession of an illegal weapon, or the use of any weapon in a threatening or reckless manner will likely be subject to immediate removal from campus pending a formal conduct process.
These measures are employed only in the most serious cases of the Honor Code violation. Notification is normally sent to the student’s parents.
Suspension: Students suspended from the College must normally leave the campus within 48 hours of the time the suspension is imposed (unless otherwise instructed). A suspension can last for a minimum of the remainder of the semester for which it is imposed and as long as several semesters. The Honor Board or other hearing body imposing the sanction determines the start date and length of the suspension. Students suspended from the College during a semester will lose all academic credit for the semester for which the suspension occurs. Courses in which the student is enrolled will be marked “withdrawn” on the transcript. Students who have been suspended for a social or academic violation are normally not permitted to be on campus during the time of their suspension and must obtain permission to return to campus for any reason. Students who have been suspended for social violations and who wish to return to the College must submit a request in writing to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (unless otherwise directed); students suspended for academic violations and who wish to return must submit a request in writing to the Associate Provost (unless otherwise directed). Such requests must normally be received by July 1 for a fall semester return and by December 1 for a Spring semester return. Students who have been suspended should give evidence that time away from the College has been used productively, perhaps at another college or university or at a place of employment. Students seeking return will be required to provide supporting evidence.
Expulsion: Expulsion differs from suspension in that students who are expelled from the College are not permitted to return to the institution at any time.
Disclosure of Honor Board Proceedings
The proceedings and outcomes of an Honor Board hearing are confidential and may only be released by the College in specific circumstances. In cases of sexual discrimination or harassment (including sexual assault/violence), both the Complainant and the Respondent have the right to be informed of the outcome of the Honor Board proceedings and the outcome of any appeal.
Additionally, the College may, upon written request, disclose to an alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, or to the alleged victim’s next of kin (if the victim dies as a result of the crime or offense), the final results of any of the College’s disciplinary proceedings dealing with that crime or offense. The written request for this disclosure should be sent to the Vice President for Student Affairs.