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Meet Our Staff

About the Director

Photo of Dr. Rachel RodriguezDr. Rachel Rodriguez earned her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Louisville in 2021, her MA in English from the University of Maine, and her BA in English and Spanish from McDaniel College. She comes to Washington College with experience administering the writing centers at the University of Louisville and Chesapeake College. Her research interests include writing centers, composition pedagogy, translingualism, language difference, and basic writing. She has taught composition, basic writing, rhetoric, literature, business writing, and SAT test prep.


About the Peer Writing Consultants

Grace is a Junior English major with Theatre, JEP, and CMS minors. Outside of the classroom Grace is vp of music for Wacapella and news co-editor for the Elm. She is extremely excited to work with fellow students as a writing tutor! After college, she plans to attend graduate school for investigative and broadcasting journalism

Riley is a sophomore majoring in English and minoring in Communication and Media Studies and Journalism, Editing, and Publishing. She enjoys working on creative writing and journalism assignments, but she is always up for helping students with a variety of assignments. She is the Opinion section editor for The Elm and is a part of Writer's Union and EROS. In her free time, she likes reading and watching movies; her favorite is 2020's Emma. 

Kaitlin is a junior Political Science and Anthropology major minoring in Religion. After college, she intends to attend law school and then eventually receive an LLM or PhD. While she is most well versed in the humanities, she is happy to offer aid to anyone of any discipline (as long as you don’t make fun of her lack of science knowledge!) In her free time, she can be found working for the Pegasus and Past is Present archaeology lab, and watching Greys Anatomy. 

Robert is a senior at Washington College. He is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Economics, Finance, and Global Business. Outside of the classroom, he is a member of the Men's Lacrosse team and the Brown Advisory Student Managed Investment Fund. In his free time, he likes to golf and watch sports. 

Maddie Fernandez is a sophomore communication & media Studies major with minors in psychology and Hispanic studies. In her free time, she is a member of WACappella and a George’s General. She is a big fan of dad jokes, Taylor Swift, and the Despicable Me franchise

Sophie is an English major with minors in Creative Writing and Journalism, Editing, & Publishing, hoping to work her way to a career in publishing. Though mostly familiar with creative writing and literary analysis, she's happy to work on absolutely any subject at all with you. When she's not in the Writing Center, you can probably find her taking an excessively long walk around campus or eating a bagel in Wilmer Park. 

Lauren is a senior at Washington College.  She is majoring in Biology with a concentration in molecular biology and infectious disease.  Also, she is minoring in both Chemistry and Public Health.  Outside of the classroom Lauren is a member of the Women's soccer team and co-president of the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) club.  After college, she plans to attend graduate school.  In her free time, she loves to watch Netflix, hang out with friends, and read. 

Evan Merk is a sophomore majoring in both biology and environmental science. Despite being a STEM major, he's more than willing and excited to help with any kind of writing project. Outside of the classroom, he can be found in the campus garden or spending time with his cat Igor. 

Justin Morris is a junior Biology major with minors in Public Health and Chemistry. He is a pre-dental student who is happy to meet with STEM students. At WAC, Justin is also a captain of the swim team, peer mentor, and honor board panelist. In his free time, Justin likes to swim, walk his dogs, and watch Netflix. 

Miranda Parrish (she/her/hers) is a sophomore at Washington College, majoring in Political Science and Communications. Outside of the classroom, she is the Treasurer of the Model United Nations Club, as well as a member of the Student Government. She is also an avid duck lover.  

Courtney is a sophomore at Washington College. She is majoring in English and minoring in Secondary Education in hopes of one day becoming a Secondary Education English teacher. She loves reading and writing, and has a passion for helping people. Though Courtney is most familiar with writing for the humanities, she is happy to work with students from a variety of disciplines. In her free time, Courtney loves watching movies and TV shows. She is also a member of the swim team here at WAC! 

Sammy is a senior majoring in International Studies and minoring in Journalism, Editing, and Publishing. She has had two journalistic internships and recently studied abroad in South Korea. After graduation she plans to travel and then hopefully start a career in writing and research. She is thrilled to help and support her students with any of their writing needs! 

Amara Sorosiak is a senior from Middlebury, CT, studying English and Creative Writing, with plans to author fiction novels in the future. She is happy to help with any writing concerns, whether they be on an analytical paper, research paper, etc., and looks forward to being a part of a student's writing journey—sheʼs always looking for an excuse to talk about writing. Aside from writing, her interests include illustration and comic creation, music and vinyl collecting, and animals. She currently writes for Punkaganda Press, a small music magazine, and develops webcomics in her free time.