Faculty & Staff
Full Time Professors
- 800-422-1782 ext 7727
- mconnaughton2@washcoll.edu
- Toll SG19
Mindy Reynolds
Alonzo G. and Virginia Gent Decker Professor of Biology, Director Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program- (800) 422- 1782 ext 7876
- mreynolds2@washcoll.edu
- Toll S118
- 410-810-7123
- akrochmal2@washcoll.edu
- Toll S104
- 800-422-1782 ext 7886
- rvanmeter2@washcoll.edu
- Toll SG20
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- 410-778-7822
- mmisra2@washcoll.edu
- Toll SG17
Visiting Professors, Lecturers & Lab Instructors
- 800-422-1782 ext 5756
- sthuecks2@washcoll.edu
- Toll S124
Faculty Emeriti
Donald Munson
McLain Professor of Environmental Studies, Emeritus- 800-422-1782 ext 7731
- dmunson2@washcoll.edu
Natural Sciences & Mathematics Staff
Bari L. Kersey
Faculty Administrative Assistant- 410-778-7729
- bkersey2@washcoll.edu
- Dunning Decker N117
Alec Leonard
Resource Manager and Chemical Hygiene Office- 410-778-7297
- aleonard2@washcoll.edu
- Toll SG14