Academic Requirements

Students have several options for the degree in biology—with lots of customization. We also offer a variety of courses to help fulfill college Natural Science distribution requirements.

Ready to declare a Biology Major or Minor? Fill out the declaration form below and then contact Dr.%20Rinehimer or Dr.%20Connaughton!

Declare a Biology Major or Minor


Academic Requirements  


The department offers a B.S. in Biology in which students can choose electives from multiple areas that give them a general background, or they may chose an Area of Emphasis such as cell/molecular biology & infectious disease,  ecology & evolutionary biology, or physiology & organismal biology.

Successful completion of an area of emphasis will be noted on a student’s transcript after graduation.  Given that a Senior Capstone Experience (SCE) must be completed in the selected area of emphasis, a student may only complete one area of emphasis.


Students from a wide variety of majors have received minors in Biology, including: Environmental Studies, Chemistry, Psychology, Spanish, Sociology, Humanities, Business and Theatre.

* Students planning on using the biology minor as a basis for further studies in the biological sciences or for employment should seriously consider taking a year of Chemistry (CHE 120, 140). All students should note that CHE 120/140 is a prerequisite for some upper-level biology courses.

Natural Science Distribution

Students looking to fulfill their Natural Science Distribution requirement are encouraged to take BIO 100 Current Topics in Biology and/or BIO 104 Society, Ecology and the Chesapeake Bay. Neither course has any prerequisites. 

Explore additional options for earning Natural Sciences Distributon credits in Biology.

BS in Biology (general) for students beginning before Fall 2023: PDF

BS in Biology (general) for students beginning after Fall 2023: PDF

*Declaration of Areas of Emphasis is done by academic advisor*

*Note that the course number for Differential Calculus changed from MAT201 to MAT111 in 2020*

General Biology I and II with lab (BIO 111/113 and BIO 112/114) are prerequisites for advanced biology courses and are therefore essential for biology majors to take during their first year. It is also recommended to enroll in Introductory Chemistry courses (CHE 120 and CHE 140) during the first year.

Biology Major Sample Schedule

Graduates with a degree in biology will be able to:

  • Demonstrate broad-based knowledge within the discipline of biology.
  • Demonstrate fluency in scientific reasoning and experimental design.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with current research techniques.
  • Demonstrate an ability to search, read, interpret and synthesize the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate scientific information in written and oral formats.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work and learn in groups.
  • BIO 111/113 General Biology I with Lab
  • BIO 112/114 General Biology II with Lab
  • 5 additional upper-level biology courses*

*By petition of the biology department, an appropriate upper-level course in chemistry, psychology, or environmental studies may be substituted for one of the required advanced biology courses.

Areas of Emphasis  

Biology majors have the option to complete an Area of Emphasis in one of three areas: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Infectious Disease, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, or Physiology & Organismal Biology. Each area of emphasis requires students to complete their Senior Capstone Experience in the selected area, as well as three additional 4-credit courses.  Successful completion of an Area of Emphasis will be noted on a student’s transcript. Given that the SCE must be completed in the selected Area of Emphasis, a student may only complete one Area of Emphasis. The requirements for each Area of Emphasis are outlined below.  

Cell/Molecular Biology & Infectious Disease

Students pursuing this area of emphasis will gain a deep understanding of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms at the cellular and molecular level.  Courses will focus on the way cells process information from their environment and initiate programs of gene expression leading to growth, development, and functional specification. Students will gain a solid foundation in the molecular biology of cells and a full appreciation of how molecular complexes interact to make a cell function through hands-on laboratory exercises. Students may also develop a strong foundation in microbiology, focusing on the structure and function of microorganisms, infection and infectious disease, the body’s defenses against infection, and the roles of microbes in the environment.

Requirements for the BS in Biology, SCE specialization in Cell/Molecular Biology & Infectious Disease, plus three of the following:
  • BIO 203 Microbiology
  • BIO 205 Cell Biology
  • BIO 207 Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  • BIO 302 Developmental Biology
  • BIO 310 Microbial Ecology
  • BIO 350 Toxicology
  • BIO 404 Immunology
  • BIO 409 Biochemistry
  • BIO X94 Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • BIO X94 or BIO X95 Biological research on or off campus for course credit must be in the area of study (Limit of one course)

See Graduation Checklist

Ecology and Evolution

Students pursuing this area of emphasis will gain a deeper understand of organisms’ interactions with their biotic and abiotic environments and more specifically, how environmental pressures have shaped life over ecological and evolutionary time.  This area focuses on the full spectrum of biological organization, including (but not limited to) individual-level adaptations of uni- and multi-cellular organisms, evolutionary modifications of anatomy and behavior in response to evolutionary pressures, and ecosystem-level analyses relevant to today’s changing global climate and rising conservation concerns. 

Requirements for the BS in Biology, SCE specialization in Ecology and Evolution, plus three of the following:
  • BIO 211 Plant Biology
  • BIO 309 Marine and Estuarine Biology
  • BIO 310 Microbial Ecology
  • BIO 313 Wetlands Ecology
  • BIO 315 Ecophysiology
  • BIO 328 Behavioral Ecology
  • BIO 351 Evolution
  • *ENV 302 Conservation Wildlife Techniques
  • *ENV 394 Marine Conservation
  • *ENV 394 Restoration Ecology
  • BIO X94. Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • BIO X94 or BIO X95. Biological research on or off campus for course credit must be in the area of study (limit of one course)

*Only 1 ENV course may count toward Biology major

See Graduation Checklist

Physiology & Organismal Biology

Students pursuing this area of emphasis will develop an integrative and broadly-based understanding of organisms through tissues, organs and organ systems, to the interaction of organisms with each other and their environments.  Form and function will be the baseline for studies of the anatomy, morphology and physiology of widely different organisms and the tissues that make them up.  Organism-wide processes such as respiration, energy acquisition, the function of muscle and nervous tissue, sensory and endocrine modalities, photosynthesis and transport in plants, and communication will be addressed. 

Requirements for the BS in Biology, SCE specialization in Physiology & Organismal Biology, plus three of the following:
  • BIO 203 Microbiology
  • BIO 211 Plant Biology
  • BIO 228 Ornithology
  • BIO 208 General Zoology
  • BIO 301 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
  • BIO 303 Parasitology
  • BIO 311 Neurobiology
  • BIO 315 Ecophysiology
  • BIO 336 Ichthyology
  • BIO 404 Immunology
  • BIO 424 Comparative Animal Physiology
  • BIO X94 Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • BIO X94 or BIO X95. Biological research on or off-campus for course credit must be in the area of study (limit of one course)

See Graduation Checklist