
Print Shop Classes

LHP Montage

Our Letterpress Studio

Fewer than 10 colleges and universities have anything like our Print Shop! Our studio is part working-museum, part bustling artists’ studio. Our shop features three antique presses, one from the late nineteenth century and two other motorized presses. We print our broadsides and letterpress chapbooks here, and our Master Printer, T. Michael Kaylor, teaches two workshops (Intro to Letterpress and Book Arts) every semester. 



Our non-credit Print Shop Workshops are offered once each semester and are open to students, faculty, and staff at Washington College as well as our Chestertown neighbors. Students learn the history of the book and experience letterpress printing and bookbinding. Master Printer T. Michael Kaylor instructs the 7-week Beginners course in letterpress printing and Advanced course in book arts. There is a nominal materials fee for each course. 

For more information or to sign up, email lit_houseFREEwashcoll. 


Workshops are on hold right now; we anticipate their return in Fall 2021. Workshops usually run the first 7 weeks of the semester at these times:

  • Beginner’s Workshop: Intro to Letterpress runs Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Advanced Workshop: Book Arts runs Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m.


BROADSIDES & Letterpress Chapbooks

Broadsides featuring the poetry and prose of some of our most famous guests are a staple of the Print Shop’s yearly printing schedule. The words of Toni Morrison, Jericho Brown, Neil Gaiman, Rebecca Makkai, and Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) have all been put into type down in the shop! And Master Printer Mike Kaylor uses letterpress broadsides as a teaching tool for new students. You can see (and buy) our broadsides and books here!