The Jude and Miriam Pfister Poetry Prize
The Pfister Poetry Prize
In the collaboration with the Academy of American Poets, the Rose O’Neill Literary House administers a major prize for undergraduates: THE PFISTER POETRY PRIZE, which was created through the nationally known Academy of American Poets and carries a $100 cash award. The winner of THE PFISTER POETRY PRIZE is announced at the annual Senior Reading in the spring semester. Guidelines are listed below.
The Rose O’Neill Literary House seeks entrants for The Pfister Poetry Prize, awarded to the Washington College undergraduate for a single poem. The winning entry will receive a cash prize of $100 and a certificate from the Academy of American Poets.
Poetry Prize entries should be emailed to Amber%20Taliancich by 5:00 PM on March 3. Emails should include POETRY PRIZE and your name in the subject line. All electronic files must be saved as .pdf files with 12-point type and one-inch margins. Please single-space poetry (with a double-space to indicate a stanza break). If a poem falls onto a subsequent page or pages, please indicate either (no stanza break) or (stanza break). A maximum of one poem is allowed per submission (per writer).
Entrants should take care to closely proofread their work and take advantage of the Writing Center. Questions about the criteria should be directed to Amber Taliancich.
The 2023 Pfister Poetry Prize will be judged by the poet, translator, and memoirist, Rajiv Mohabir.